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The ULTIMATE Recipe for Optimizing Your Careers Page

A  Webinar with Tim Brown

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Get More Applicants

An optimized careers page will improve the applicant experience & increase exposure in the market.

Neal will show you how to think outside the box to broaden your horizons & attract more candidates.

Get Fewer Unqualified Applicants

Learn how to express your must-have experience requirements so unqualified candidates don't waste their time or yours.

Hire Better Culture Fits

Show off your company culture to hire perfect-fit candidates who are more likely to stay with you for the long term.

Don't let your competitors steal your best workers! Learn how to keep them loyal with growth opportunities.

Ready to Transform Your Workforce?

Don't miss this opportunity to hear from one of the industry's most authoritative coaches & thought leaders. 

Uncover the changes you need to make today to recruit and retain top labor tomorrow.

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Why watch?

Meet Your Coach

Join Tim Brown as he shows you how to use Hook Agency’s “Ultimate Ranking Recipe” to get your open jobs in front of more people organically—without spending thousands of dollars for that visibility.

If your company has a barebones employment page that you know could use some TLC, or if you’re still working on getting one live on the website, this five-step presentation is for you!

Tim Brown is the CEO of Hook Agency, a Home Service Contractor-focused SEO, PPC & Web Design firm that’s gone from 1 person to 22 in 5 years. Championing contractors and helping them drive more traffic and leads has led him to growing his team and learning to lead to be more useful. Content strategy, persuasive web design, and actionable, pragmatic small business marketing are his biggest areas of expertise.

Original Air Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Stop Relying on Job Boards

Take control of your applicant flow by leveraging your own web property to get found by job-seekers.

Hear Neal's best advice for keeping employees engaged and motivated to do their best work.

Live Q&A with Tim

We've reserved time at the end of the presentation for Tim to answer audience questions.

We've reserved time at the end of the presentation for Neal to answer all your questions.

Reduce Turnover

Get clear on the responsibilities & expectations of the role to hire the right people that will stay with you longer.

We've reserved time at the end of the presentation for Neal to answer all your questions.