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The Power of Marginal Gains &

How to Start Applying Changes NOW

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Have trouble maintaining consistent quality standards

We show you how to:

Standardize processes and ensure consistent, high-quality service delivery by making minor, continuous improvements in operational procedures.

Want your workforce to innovate more

We show you how:

A marginal gains approach can foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

Want to improve operational efficiency

We show you how to:

Streamline operations, reduce waste, and boost overall efficiency using a marginal gains approach.

Small Steps, Big Impact.

Don't miss this opportunity to discover how minor adjustments can create a significant impact on your business and career.  

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Meet Your Host

In this webinar, we uncover the secrets to achieving extraordinary success through the power of small, consistent improvements. Learn how making just a 1% improvement each day can lead to monumental achievements over time. This session presents real-world examples from the janitorial and landscaping industries, demonstrating how the philosophy of marginal gains can ignite innovation, supercharge productivity, and drive sustained success. 

Robert Clinkenbeard, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, holds a degree in Horticulture and Recreation Management. In Arizona, he co-founded Integrated Landscape Management (ILM), elevating it to a regional behemoth with revenues surpassing $20m and a team of over 350. The firm was acquired in 2016 by an industry-leading conglomerate.

Currently, Robert serves as the CEO of Wilson360, a premier peer group and consulting organization. Additionally, he is the voice behind The Commercial Landscaper Podcast, a Certified Scaling Up coach, and an author on the Ironman Mindset for Entrepreneurs.

Outside the boardroom, Robert’s passion translates to athleticism as an Ironman Triathlete and former semi-professional rugby and soccer player. Robert and his wife Faith reside in Campobello, South Carolina, balancing professional pursuits with a fulfilling family life.

You have specific questions about how to do this at your organization

What we cover:

The Marginal Gains Mindset: Understand the philosophy of marginal gains and how small, consistent improvements can lead to extraordinary results.


Real-World Applications: Explore examples of marginal gains in action across different industries and learn how to apply these strategies in your own business.


Boosting Productivity: Robert explains how to enhance productivity by focusing on continuous, incremental improvements.


Fostering Innovation: Learn how a marginal gains approach can drive innovation and creativity within your team.

Achieving Long-Term Success: Gain insights into building a sustainable path to long-term success by leveraging the power of small, daily enhancements.

Original air date: August 8th, 2024

Have high employee turnover & low retention

We show you how to:

Enhance employee satisfaction and engagement through small, daily improvements.

Small Steps, Big Impact:

Are under pressure to maximize profitability

W show you how:

Small, daily improvements can lead to significant cost savings and increased profitability over time.