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Why Incentives and Bonus Plans Backfire... and How to Fix Them

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Employees try to work around or "game" the program you set up

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Employees loved your program last year, but this year it fell flat

Ready to Reignite the Fire Behind Your Incentive Programs?

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the industry's most authoritative coaches and thought leaders. 

Watch this webinar to leverage Jeffrey's decades of experience and improve your own approach to employee incentives.

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Commission plans, profit sharing, bonus plans, and other incentives often backfire, leading to a demotivated work environment and under performance by your team.

Even when they work initially, circumstances change and suddenly you get grumbling, under performance, and other problems surface on the team. Or you set up an incentive system and it actually dis-incentivizes your people. 

In this webinar Jeffrey Scott will review the common problems and how to avoid and overcome them.

Jeffrey Scott is the leading authority on growth and profit maximization in the landscape industry. He has consulted with over 300 lawn and landscape companies over the past 14+ years. His clients achieve between 25% and 200% profit improvement in their first year alone. He runs the largest peer group community in the industry.

You have specific questions about how to do this at your organization

What we cover:

  • Where these types of programs fail

  • The tell-tale signs of incentive failure

  • Alternative ways to address and fix incentive programs

Original air date: Wednesday, July 10th, 12 PM EDT

Incentives are not motivating the behavior you want